It was a busy weekend and has been a busy week so far-sorry I haven't updated at all until now. I know you all are terribly upset :)
Last weekend, I was able to have a "girls night out" with one of my best friends, Rebecca Swygert. We visited one of our favorite restaurants, Gervais & Vine, for Columbia Restaurant Week. We love to share and sample different things so it turned out perfectly. We were stuffed, but not too stuffed to head out for our Rebecca Squared tradition-some karaoke! We always have a great time together and it was really nice to catch-up. Rebecca even gave us a sweet gift, a canvas painting or our sweet boy, Henry that we lost a few weeks ago. It meant so much to both of us and William immediately hung up the picture in our guest room. I don't have a picture handy, but it really does look just like him, and he's on a boat like he used to always join William fishing. It was such a sweet and thoughtful gift and really meant a lot. We love you!

The second part of the weekend was spent celebrating with the Rogers Family, some of our most favorite people! I ventured over to Elizabeth's 4th birthday party on Saturday and had a blast! The party was held at Chapin Christian Gymnastics and there was so much to do (even for adults)! Trampolines in the floor, rope swings into foam pits, balance beams, uneven bars-it was super fun! I can't believe how much Elizabeth has grown! I heard her saying such cute things to her friends like "thanks for coming to my party, guys!" and "Guess what, I'm 4!." Such a fun personality already!
The next day, we headed to Clark and Kelly's church for Hannah's baptism. What a sweet little angel she was! She was so quiet and precious throughout the entire service. Because I am Hannah's godmother, I even got to stand up during the baptism with the family. It was a really special time for all of the Rogers family and for us as well. We are so glad to have such good friends whose children's lives we get to be a part of! And it doesn't hurt that they are SUPER cute :)
The other part of our weekend involved football. The 49ers sent the Green Bay Packers packing (literally)-so...................Guess where we are heading this weekend??? The NFC Championship in Atlanta to face the Falcons!! WOO HOO! This is the 49ers second NFC Championship appearance in the last two years, and this time we are confident that it's going to lead to a trip to the SUPER BOWL! How exciting, right?! Most of our family is making the trip to Atlanta, and we are all so excited. Although we would've preferred the Niners to have a homefield advantage, it sure did work out well for them to be so close to our neck of the woods! GO NINERS!
Here are some old pics of the family supporting the Niners-more to come after the weekend!!

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