November has been another busy month, but it's always one of my favorites. Most years it's because the Holidays are quickly approaching and the fall weather is here to stay (that's really not accurate in SC) but this year was even more special because I got to fly to the west coast and visit with the Lee's!
I wasn't able to go in 2012 because of our wedding and the time off needed for that, so I knew I couldn't let another year go by without booking a trip. Of course the best part of the trip is getting to see my two adorable nephews and kiss their sweet little faces and listen to the funny things they do and say. They are both so precious and I love them more than their sweet little heads could ever imagine. Here are some pics from my trip:

Just hanging around the house

Niner Practice

Rach and I out for a sister dinner

Game sillyness :-)

Tailgate spread. We made ham and cheese sandwiches (you know the really yummy ones with the butter, worcestershire and mustard on the sweet rolls..mmmmm), sausage dip and corn dip for those of you reading who like knowing that kind of thing :) Oh, and mimosas. Those are a must for an early game!

Sweet little Adam isn't quite old enough for a football game, but I think next year he'll be ready!
I had a great trip and really loved being with my sister and her family. The only downside...Ryan called me Rebecca. That's right, not Bec-Bec, which has been my name since he first started talking, but my ACTUAL NAME! I don't think I'm a fan! Haha :)
We had a little trouble with our travels getting home, but no big deal! The important thing is that I got to spend some time with family and I loved every minute of it!
You can probably guess how time has been spent between now and games, work and spending time with friends and family-just the way I like it :)

Hard to imagine there just a few weeks left of this YEAR! I'm looking forward to spending more time with people I love and soaking up a lot of holiday spirit very soon! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And if I totally bored you with my blog post, check out this video. If it doesn't make you smile than I don't have anything else for ya ;)